Finally four clinical needs to move forward with!

Another hectic week for Team O!

We have now had our second reference group meeting – “decision of the clinical needs”. Four hours to go from ten needs to four! It was an exciting meeting, talking to the doctors and midwifes getting their input. It was an interesting discussion, with each person adding to it by giving their personal insight to the problems and needs.

The four needs that we will be moving forward with are:

  1. Optimizing the usage of the operation unit
  2. Improving the DRG-coding at the clinic
  3. Minimizing the information gap between health personnel and patients
  4. Decrease environmental impact at the hospital by creating good storage solutions 

    Team O - happy after a succesfull reference group meeting.

    Team O – happy after a succesfull reference group meeting.

We are now in the stage of finding master thesis students to take on these projects, the end of the week was spent sending out ads to get students interested in joining us in the improvement work. If you want to read more about our projects visit:

We are also moving forward with our commercial needs, spending most of thursday deep diving into the different needs and looking into gaps in our need formulations. Speed validation is getting easier!

"It's been a hard days work" - our commercial needs being sorted into groups.

“It’s been a hard days work” – our commercial needs being sorted into groups.

Every hard work needs a celebration (kudos to Gustav, the team psychologist, for reminding us of this) – which is why we set a date for celebrating the work and preparation for reference group meeting 2 – “decision of the clinical needs”. We celebrated by having a dinner together and playing guitar hero. Some (john) were better at it than others.

//Désirée for Team Obstetrics

Team Infection: Underwater Meeting

As we advanced in our quick post, we had our second Reference Group Meeting: a second encounter with the group of healthcare professionals that evaluated the 10 needs that we had especially selected. These needs, after a long process of formulation, filtering and development, gave birth to the 4 needs that will turn into Master’s Thesis proposals for students to cover, generating a positive outcome to the healthcare system as well.

Without giving out too much, these are related to current challenges that the Infectious Diseases Department faces, from data entry to keeping top-notch staff , from tackling the department’s growth to facing the effects of physical and psychological isolation.


Peter handling the situation at our second Reference Group Meeting

We also had our first Business Mentor Meeting, where we met some of our business mentors and exposed them some of the needs that we think that have business potential. From market size to stakeholder situations, we all went through these selected needs in order to explore them as candidates for working towards solving them, with a business perspective.

After this terribly hectic pair of weeks, we took a little break at Centralbadet, where we took a swim and discussed about our immediate and long term future and prospects. One of the many things we agreed upon, as a team, is to take some more of these breaks, as we must not forget that we have to celebrate from time to time.


What’s cooler than being cool? Ice cold!

After a lecture from TLV, the Dental and Pharmaceutical Benefits Agency, about reimbursement and added values on medical technologies, we prospected possible places for our future office and workshop, side by side with Team O. It would be wonderful if we both teams could share a workplace one again, as we hope we inspire them as much as they inspire us.


Quality Adjusted Life Expectancy or QALY’s: a way to determine the impact of a treatment in quality of life as well as life expectancy

(You can always reach us by sending an e-mail to:

José (Team Infection)

Team Obstetrics: So Many Needs and So Little Time

During the last week we have been working intensively with the local needs that are specific to the clinic. With the help of our clinical supervisor and our clinical mentor we filtered down our long list to ten needs which can have a high impact for the clinic if addressed. To get a broad and diverse input to these needs we distributed detailed descriptions of these needs and then discussed them individually with several midwifes and doctors. We put so much time on this, because next week we will, together with the clinic, choose three to four needs, to which we will recruit students to work on solution as their Master’s Thesis project.

Lunch break walk in the snow behind the hospital.

Lunch break walk in the snow behind the hospital.

But the week has not only been about filtering needs, but also about learning and personal development. On Monday we had our first individual sessions with our psychologist. The content of these sessions is as individual as it is secret, but I believe we all worked on developing personal strategies to improve some aspect of our work in the fellowship team.  Furthermore we had a workshop together with the other team, in which we discussed how to work with our commercial needs. We discussed specific needs as well as strategies how to evaluate these needs and in the end filter down to only a handful. Having more than 200 commercial needs, filtering down will be a challenge that we are ready to meet in the upcoming weeks. On Friday we had a lecture on the reimbursement system for medical products in Sweden, knowledge that will come in handy when deciding which needs are worth pursuing.

We also started thinking about practical aspects of the work that is ahead of us and looked at an office and prototyping workshop space which we could use once we have decided which of the commercial needs is the chosen on. At least some of us are looking forward to getting their hands dirty in prototyping.

Will this be the table where we do our prototyping?

Will this be the table where we do our prototyping?


Fritzi // Team Obstetrics

Team Infection: Meeting Preparation

In the same way it has been a hectic week for Team O, it has been boisterous for us, Team Infection. We are full throttle towards our second Reference Group Meeting and our first Business Group Meeting.

In this Reference Group Meeting, we will meet for choosing which 3 needs, out of the almost 300 we have already gathered, will transform into Master’s Thesis projects. So as you can imagine, it is a BIG deal for us.

As we had to narrow down from our 300 needs to 10, as we would not like to bore to death our Reference Group with all the process, we have had a long week full of need-ranking, discussion and reformulations.

When we finally narrowed it down to 30, we met our mentors at the Infectious Diseases clinic to help us find what they thought most relevant to the department. We also rehearsed possible ranking/voting methods that we will use next Monday, to choose the Master’s Thesis projects.


Christoffer handling the situation with our mentors at the Infectious Diseases clinic. As always we brought kanelbulle and coffee, rule nº1 for a successful meeting.

We are also preparing for our first Business Mentor Meeting, next Tuesday, in which we will meet our Business Mentors and show them some of the needs we judge as relevant to approach in a potential business setting. Inefficiencies, waste, things that have not changed in the last 15 years, workarounds… those are always good ol’ redflags that indicate that there is a need to be covered in that field.

(You can always reach us by sending an e-mail to:

José (Team Infection)

Team Obstetrics: Selecting needs

It’s been a hectic week for team Obstetrics. We have had two processes going on at the same time; having our first business mentor meeting and preparing for our second, most important, reference group meeting.

A big help on the way was the EIT-health meeting that John and Fritzi participated in in Barcelona. They came home with lots of advice that has already helped us, but also made our work more creative and fun, with the props that we have incorporated in our work [to learn more see our last blog post]. Even though it has been a tough week with several deadlines we have handled it well and the collaboration in the group has gone great. Everyone has worked hard, shared ideas and been supportive of each other.

The biggest challenge this week has been going down from a big amount of local needs for the clinic, to the ten that we are going to present on our reference group meeting. It has been difficult and we had to kill several darlings and also take a few steps back to see the whole picture. It has also been very educational to truly try and focus on needs and not solutions (so that we in the end solve what really is the issue).  

It was also a lot of fun to meet our business mentors! They had a lot of useful input that we will take with us to the next phase.

We have also continued with our “Friday Fun” – activities. It is a way to make sure that the collaboration in the group continues being good and that we have fun with each other. This time we did “action painting” which had a great side effect of making our (new) room more colorful.

Action painting for "Friday Fun"

Action painting for “Friday Fun”

The upcoming week we will be preparing even more for the reference group meeting and challenge the needs that we have.

//Désirée (doctor) for team Obstetrics

Barcelona: An Insight

Just as John and Fritzi represented the Obstetrics Team, Julien and me were the Infectious Team ambassadors in our joint trip to Barcelona, as we were invited by the d-Health Barcelona organization, being all of us “siblings”, as part of the EIT Fellowships.


Barcelona from the old bullring, now a commercial center

First, congratulations to the Fellows at the d-Health Barcelona, as we were kindly invited to their graduation at October 19th. We enjoyed projects from previous editions’ Fellows (MowooT, Meelk, Qup), as well as we were presented with the ideas that current Fellows will work on.

We made good use of the graduation invitation, as we were able to mingle with the Spanish Fellows, the Irish fellows (from Bioinnovate Ireland) and members of the EIT Fellowships program. It is very interesting to compare how different, yet how similar, our different programmes are, and what can we learn from each other.

In his last post, John has very well detailed some good ideas we have got from the Fellows at the joint workshop we had the next day, October 20th. We all shared experiences, procedures and methods. I was particularly interested in how the Barcelona Fellows, which had just finished their program, were going to jump to the “Start-Up phase” with their incredible ideas, and how they managed to tackle different issues, such as: CE Markings, team/startup contracts, team conflicts, time management and clinical experiences. We certainly had a huge amount of questions, which they all kindly addressed.


Workshop with the Fellows

If I have to choose an insight, it is related to our need-based approach. As our readers know, the Clinical Innovation Fellowships, being part of the EIT Innovation Fellowships, are need-oriented, which means that we explore FIRST the need, and then work towards the (possible) solution. So quoting Paul Anglim, Programme Manager of BioInnovate Ireland: GET GOOD NEEDS, REALLY GOOD, STRONG, VALIDATED NEEDS

And from the Spanish Fellows: Trust your GUT

And of course, we managed to get some time for traveling around… Barcelona has a lot to offer, and I was felling a bit homesick since the moment I found out that you don’t find Patatas Bravas so easily here in Sweden


Patatas Bravas. Just watching this photo is making me homesick again.

Our warmest regards to our fellow Fellows from Barcelona and Galway as well as all the key persons who make the EIT Fellowships possible!

(You can always reach us by sending an e-mail to:

José (Team Infection)

Meeting the Barcelona CIF teams, Friday



On last Friday our Swedish team went to meet the three Barcelona teams in Barcelona to ask them questions since they just graduated the CIF-program. They gave us a lot of interesting recommendations.

Since I´m very interested in product development and innovation these were the most interesting things they told us:

*Have a hat to give a person if he/ she was being too negative during a group discussion.

*Give a person that interrupts others a chicken or just say the word chicken.

*During brainstorming you could first say everyone needs to stay positive and wear positive props. ( like party hats. ) After the positive session you could decide the whole group should be “negative” wearing angry hats trying to find why this ideas won’t work.

So coming back from Barcelona this week we were super inspired and directly went to the store and bought:
1. A soft pig to throw at the person being negative.

2. A hat with some black on it for when the group should be critical.

3. A Hawaii flower bracelet to give to one when he/she did something positive

4. An “walking” balloon in the shape of a panda ? that you could get if you are positive.



We have now worked with picking out 40 local needs and 10 commercial ones and using these tricks and it worked super good. I think it could have been one of my most effective idé validation meeting ever, thanks to the props and advice we got in Barcelona! 

One advice we also got and are using is to ask our self:
“does this really mater in 1 month?” To not have long arguments over too small topics.

During the Saturday in Barcelona we had some time of before going to the airport in the evening so we walked around and visit the “Sagrada Familia” and much more. It was a very fun trip!





All these emotions

We, Team O, are now close to finishing our observation phase at the hospital.

It has been a true privilege to observe the Women´s Clinic. All team members have received the honor to witness the beginning of an entirely new person’s life.

The patients have shared their most important moments in life with us. We have witnessed the relief and overwhelming joy of the parents when they get to hold their baby for first time, and it has been practically impossible for some of us to hold back the tears.

However, even though the vast majority of all childbirths receive a happy ending, the road from pregnancy to delivery is still paved with potential complications.  This means that we also have witnessed some of the most troublesome moments in the patients’ lives. We have learnt about shattered dreams and painstaking worry.

In short it has been a whirlwind of emotions being placed at the Women’s clinic. Amidst all the emotions we have also become familiar with anatomy, pathology, equipment, processes and sub optimal IT-systems.

Last but certainly not least we have observed the relentless efforts of the staff. They work on tough schedules and in stressful situations.  But their work for continuous improvements and skill practice is admirable, and something that many industries could learn from.


Doctor’s skill training to deliver breech birth (when the baby is born bottom first)

We will now move into the second phase of the program and start sifting through the many observations we have made during our time at the clinic. We have however decided to keep our base at Danderyd’s Hospital, to be able to go back and validate and deepen our observations at a later stage.

That´s all for now from Team O. /Carina (business manager)



Team Infection: Packing Our Backpacks

This week will be a short week here in Stockholm, as half of Team O (John & Fritzi) and half of Team Infection (Julien and José) will be traveling to Barcelona, as we have been invited to the graduation of the Fellows at d-Health Barcelona.

Even though we have a presentation to prepare for our trip to Barcelona, we aren’t afraid in cramming all the possible activities we could, working on reformulating needs at the same time we have been observing the staff in different shifts.

We also enjoyed a lecture from Julien related to observations, about how can we be biased, tools for observing and tips for conducting interviews, among other very interesting lessons. Team O also joined us, so we had the opportunity to share insights and experiences.

This evening we are leaving for Barcelona, but still we managed to do some shadowing, now armed with this interesting tools for observation at this late stage of the clinical observation phase.


Part of the nurse team!

We will return to you after our trip, with our experiences and tons of pictures!

(You can always reach us by sending an e-mail to:

José (Team Infection)