It is only Wednesday but so much has happened this week that it is already time for a post!
The best news is this: Monday evening we had our last STING Test Drive. Each start-up idea got to present and pitch the idea and Carina pitched for Team O – our product “amma”. She, of course, did an amazing job. “Amma” is built on a big need and we believe it is a working solution and Carina really knows how do mediate this. The jury, containing of three people working with Medtech and/or startup in different ways, had a hard job, weighing in pitches, products, teams and development since beginning of STING Test Drive. And we won! WE WON!

This is bliss! We are so happy. It feels great to have other people also believing in the team and our product. Because we really do. Apart from the honor we also received 3 sessions with a business coach and 3 months of getting to use H2 HealtHub, as an office space, which are both really valuable for us at this point, as well as an Ipad each – which will be put into use immediately.
Building on this success Tuesday morning started off by connecting with KTH innovation. We discussed were we are at in the process at the moment, and it felt good to concretize the plans, especially after CIF, what help we can get etc, a bit more.
Yesterday we also had individual sessions with the team psychologist Gustav for the afternoon. It is always good to get some proper tools to handle situations that we face in our working lives.
The week continues and we have planned to move forward both with some tests with mothers, to see if our idea is plausible, but also a workshop with midwives to get feedback from their perspective. We are also working on developing our first prototype – and started the week with an excellent brainstorming session on how to move forward with it.
We will keep you updated on what’s happening. And again, don’t forget to apply for the next EIT Health Innovation Fellowships starting in september. Deadlines are approaching!
Désirée, MD, team O