So this week and the end of last we have been focusing on working on our business plan, working on our technical readiness level and discussing with moms and midwives.
Our team work today looks quite different then the first weeks of the program. In the beginning my medical knowledge was essential for the rest but suddenly everyone is focusing on their expertise and I (the doctor) help with whatever I can.
Technology wise Fritzi is working hard on putting our solution into an actual working product. We are extremely lucky to have someone that knows electrical engineering this well – she has taught me things I didn’t even know I didn’t know. She has been working on simulations and thinking how to put together our idea.

Fritzi working with super secret engineering stuff
John, our designer, is making sure we are always close to our customers. Him and me went to Danderyds MVC yesterday to talk to pregnant women and new mothers and show them our concept. So far a majority of positive mothers have been seen, which of course gives us the proof to keep on working on our idea. However we can never be certain that the product will be bought just because mothers are positive to pictures and ideas. John also keep us working close to the midwifes and we ended last week with a workshop with some of the midwives that are experts on breastfeeding. Getting their perspective on our ida was very valuable. John is also looking in on the actual design of our product, checking plausibility, costs and doing sketches.

John doing some sketches for the team.
For the business plan Carina, our business manager, of course is taking the lead. She has been digging deep into how to make a strategic plan for the upcoming months and years with all the unknowns that we have.
Meanwhile, I am trying to support the other three as much as I can. Setting up meetings and preparing for them, connecting us to the right people, digging into the medical and public health perspectives, writing blog posts, preparing for tests, and helping out with proposals. I am learning a lot on the way and reading up on the lean start up method. Learning new things was one of my main objectives for the program so I am happy about that!
That’s it for now!
Désirée, MD, Team O