Entrance of Norra primary care center in Norrtälje.
STOCKHOLM – one fourth of the observation phase in the primary care centers, Norra and Södra Vårdcentral at Tiohundra in Norrtälje, has already passed. We are mapping out and observing both staff and patients, each day we get more insight into the primary care systems and flows, and the incredible width and skills needed to run a vårdcentral.
What is primary care – Vårdcentral?
•be the population’s first contact with the care •be easily accessible to the population during the daytime hours •responsible for preventive work, diagnostics, treatment and rehabilitation for the most care needs
•responsible for emergency health and medical care that does not require hospital care •refer to other care when needed and coordinate and integrate the care offered to the patient •see to the patient’s overall conditions and needs (SOU 2016: 2 p.43).
The mission for primary care according to the Landsting:
Tiohundra does well
We are very impressed by the close cooperation we observed between Tiohundra’s different units, hospital and vårdcentrals – no surprise that Tiohundra won the Bridge Builder Award now in 2019!
The motivation for awarding Tiohundra: “To endorse new chains for patients between care, primary care and hospital with endurance and holistic view. This year’s bridge builders have shown that persistent cultural change, interprofessional working methods and patient collaboration, and have the potential to address society’s greatest health challenges on a larger scale. ”

Besides from Norra and Södra primary care centers we also visited Bergshamra this Tuesday. The beautiful weather accompanied us and we were excited to be able to observe the way of working in this smaller and more remote vårdcentral.
First needs identified
In the coming week, we will dig deeper into the local needs that have the potential for further development and implementation. These needs will be presented to a reference group consisting of staff and experts in primary care to undergo an initial inspection.
For more updates, stay tuned and keep on reading our blog,
Annelie Hultman
CIF, 2019