We only have a few weeks left of the CIF-program. It is time to start and tie together are different programs. Meanwhile the heads of the program are recruiting new teams for September. Very exciting for them! Mixed feelings for us! We are soon ready to graduate but there are still so many things left to do and also that would be fun to do within the program.
This week we have entered Venture Cup! We are excited about the opportunity and looking forward to hear feedback from them – as many people say that one of the best things with Venture Cup is the feedback part.
We also had our last reference group meeting. All our master students presented what they’ve done so far and got feedback from the department. They have been working hard on making the flow at the operation room better, discovering how to improve routines around the drg-coding, making sure that patients know what is going on and finding a way to minimizing the waste at the department through smarter containers. It’s impressive how hard they have all worked, what progress they have made and what solutions they have found. We really hope it will add value to the Women’s department!

Alexandra and Julia, engineering master students, presenting their project about improving DRG routines.
This afternoon we are going to a lecture and networking event at doberman, looking forward to it! And then it’s time for another one of CIF’s famous after works- where we meet fellows from previous years. That usually is really fun and rewarding because all of the wisdom these fellows bring with them!
We are looking forward to the last month in the program, hoping to get the most out of these last weeks.
Désirée, Team O